Please specify form standard sizes (DL, DLX, C6, C5, C4, B4) or enter in mm for a custom size
Wallet - means the envelope opening is on the long side
Pocket - mean the envelope opening is on the short side
Plain - plain paper
Secretive - Has a pattern printed on the inside for sensitive documents
Window - has a plastic window in the envelope for standard addresses
Our standard sealing type is Peel & Seal.
Other sealing types are lick and seal, press and seal
Please specify if you require full colour print or 1 or 2 colour Spot colour print
Printed 1 or 2 sides?
Please specify if it requires full printed bleed (printing right to the edge), ideally send through your artwork so we can best quote based on the print area needed.
Quantity for each kind (if there are multiple)